I have been in such a funk lately. I am not sure why. I have SO much to be thankful for. A hard working husband, 3 healthy kids, a roof over my head ..... SO WHY am I in such a place of BLAH??? I feel there is a whirlwind of BLAH flying around in my head. I just can't seem to get things accomplished lately. My weight is really bothering me. The fact that my house is just never as clean as I like. I could go on and on but I don't really want to dwell on that stuff. Just needed to get it out. Maybe seeing it "out there" will help me somehow.
Yesterday was Shaun's 31st birthday :) I made him a homemade white cake with delicious homemade whipped cream cheese frosting. I am doing my best to STAY AWAY from the darn cake. It keeps getting to me through my peripheral vision. Sneaky little devil, that cake. On another, yet related a bit, note; I was looking at birthday cards and I started to wonder, why do I take all of this time picking out the perfect card and then also feel obligated to write some kind of personal note in the card? I mean, if I'm going to feel the need to write in it then why not just buy a blank card?
Today has been crazy and uneventful all at once. I haven't really sat down yet I am not sure if anything was accomplished. I still have laundry to do, floors to vacuum and counters to wipe down.
Earlier Damon found a bug and kept yelling CATERPILLAR at me. I had NO idea what he was saying. Finally he just says BUG. Shaun is in class so I couldn't do the usual "SHAUN KILL IT. KILL IT" I had to kill it, myself. Ick! As I beat the thing several times, you know to make SURE it's dead, Damon is cheering me on! "YEAH YEAH YEAH" and he was jumping up and down all giddy lol I had Taveon flush it and I overheard him telling Damon that it went to bug heaven.
OH! How could I forget to share this... Isla is fully crawling now! My BABY is mobile *sniff sniff*
I feel this post is just a bunch of rambling but that's pretty much how I have felt this week. Thank you for reading and joining in on my insanity.
Now for my (even more) random thoughts of the day:
The booty pop and the pajama jeans: Don't do it, neither of them. Just don't.
Never trust a fart; just ask Taveon.
When the girl at the coffee shop has your drink started before you even order, when she sees your car in line... this is a sign you may have a problem. Yes, I am speaking to myself on this one.
When people say "the last thing I wanted to do was (fill in the blank)" Does this mean they still wanted to and it was just last on their list??? Shouldn't they say "I never wanted to..."
Ok that is all for now. I turned around to see Damon attempting to ride on Isla's back like a horse while Isla is chewing on darth vader's head. Oh the excitement in this house!
I love it when you write. You are awesome girl :)