I haven't updated much because, well honestly I've just felt like absolute DEATH.
I have hyperemesis gravidarum.
It is not morning sickness. It's so much worse.
I will give you a run down of what's been happening with this.
By 6 weeks I was in getting iv fluids.
By about 7 weeks I had in home healthcare hook me up to a zofran pump. The pump requires me to stick myself with a needle in my abdomen daily so the zofran can be continuously administered to me. This has , so far, not helped a great deal.
By the time I hit 10 weeks I had been to the hospital a few more times for iv fluids and once a migraine as well. Migraines are a side effect of the zofran.
This has been such a trying time for me. The joy and happiness of a new baby is being overshadowed by this horrible illness. I usually wake up in the morning wondering how I will make it to the end if the day. I'm home with my 4 and 2 year old all day and my gosh is it a struggle!
My husband has missed work to help me on my worst days. We moved from Alaska to Georgia a year and a half ago so we have no nearby family and I haven't made many friends.
This past Monday I went in for a checkup. I no longer style my hair or apply makeup and those of you who know me know that I would NEVER leave the house without those two things before. However, it happens now and I'm certain no amount of makeup could mask how terrible I look most days. Back to to my appointment. I barely get out the door without heaving. I walk in to the dr office, blue plastic bard bag in hand. As I go to sit down I'm the waiting area I notice people staring and I mean really how could they not. I'm holding a freakin barf bag for crying out loud. Everyone else waiting looks glowing and happily, blissfully pregnant. Unaware and oblivious to the nightmare I'm living. I felt like the grim reaper of pregnancy sitting in that waiting room! I have to admit I'm painfully jealous of pregnant women who get to carry on with life as it was. Who can still clean their house, grocery shop, leave the house for more than dr appts and WITHOUT barf bags. Lucky lucky women!
At that appt I was told if my weight drops I could be hospitalized. Since we have no help with the little ones that would be devastating. An alternative and last attempt now is to have the in home healthcare company come set me up with iv fluids at home. So that's where we are at. They are coming tomorrow to start my iv fluids and in not exactly sure what it entails but I have HOPE that it will help me feel a little more human again. I means something has got to work right?
So as of tomorrow I will have my zofran pump, phenergan pills, iv fluids and lots of prayer.
I know the update isn't fun but I'm praying that in the not so distant future that changes.
We have an ultrasound scheduled for next month. Not the gender ultrasound but it will still be fun to see the baby. As long as I'm feeling a little better I won't have to cancel that appt so, fingers crossed.
I guess that's all I have for now. I don't have any pictures because I don't think you want to see this version of me! Eeeek.
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