I have decided to finally start on my blog! Yay me, let's hope I keep up with this now.
I will give some background here since this is my first post.
Shaun and I have been married 10 years and have 2 boys together. Taveon is 6 and in kindergarten. Damon is 14 months and I stay home with him. Shaun works as a car salesman (really he isn't that bad, I promise), attends college full time and is a member of the alaska army national guard. Busy busy man.
Taveon is our laid back, sweet child. He has always been a pretty easy child. He just started hockey this year after being in love with hockey since the age of 2! He also started kindergarten this fall and so far so good!
Damon is 14 months old and a bit of a high energy little guy! He is learning to walk and loves giving kisses. He also loves climbing, jumping and getting into anything and everything! So, he keeps us pretty busy.
Shaun and I had planned on having one more baby and were thinking to wait until Damon was around 2.5 or 3 years old. Those plans were reconfigured when on Christmas eve I got a positive pregnancy tes... ok well 4 lol We are very excited but a bit nervous to have them so close since Damon is a bit high maintenance! I do know that the good Lord will only give us what we can handle though and I will have to trust in that.
I, am of course, hoping for a little princess. Guess we will find out in about 4 months! That seems so long but I am sure it will be here before we know it.
Have to go for now but I will do my best to update this blog often!